Str Frederic Joliot Curie Nr 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

+40 723 203 639


+40 723 203 639


Luni - Vineri: 09:00 - 20:30 / Sambata 09-14:00

Implanturi maxilare cu RTG

Implanturi maxilare cu RTG

Caz implanturi maxilare cu RTG ( regenerare tisulara ghidata). ATENŢIE, imagini chirurgie! Include implanturi 21 22 24 25, grefa conjunctiva, os autogen si bio-os, membrane de colagen. Implant case with guided bone regeneration. Includes implants, 21 22 24 25, soft tissue graft, autogenous bone and bio bone, colagen membranes.